Woman walking across street

“To promote truth,
understand the mind.”

This is The Networked Age

A world that’s dynamic, sceptical, activist and tribal.

Eight billion minds connected through technology, but increasingly polarised and divided. More informed, but more resistant to changing our minds.

Attention spans have collapsed, audiences have fragmented and we are more reliant on people like ourselves to make sense of the world. Emotional stories are halfway round the world before the facts have put their boots on.

As the cost of communication has fallen, activism and collective action have increased. The network mobilises and innovates more quickly than any brand or institution.

People place a premium on brands, leaders and influencers who seem authentic, but in divided times, we are all more performative and reluctant to say what we really think.

For the last five years, MHP Group has worked with some of the world’s leading psychologists, behavioural scientists and political analysts to understand how the rules of influence have changed.

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Our strategies are rooted in fundamental truths about the human mind:
  • The emotions and biases that bind and blind us
  • The triggers and barriers that determine what we share, support and act on
  • The identities, issues and technologies that shape the way we see the world

The rules of influence

For any new challenge we apply the three rules of influence developed with Dr Tali Sharot, Director of UCL’s Affective Brain Lab.

Who you are is as important as what you do
Passions spread ideas
Arguments are never won, outcomes are

Our latest guide: Labour's Challenge

Produced in partnership with the Cambridge University Political Psychology Lab, the report reveals that many “Super Distruster” voters have deserted Labour over the last year and are turning to Reform.

Download the report

Our tools

Blending behavioural science with data and strategy, our methodologies help us deliver better answers to some of the biggest communications challenges.

Insights Library

Head to our library for a full list of MHP Group’s studies, reports and insights, designed for communicators, brand managers and business leaders.

See library